Muslim children and adolscents are a particularly vulnerable group. Aside from the usual challanges of growing up, Muslim-American youth are subjected additional stressors like bullying and discrimination because of their religious/ethnic identities. Connecting to youth specific resources can be very helpful duirng this difficult time.
Naseeha provides an anonymous, non-judgmental, confidential and toll-free peer support helpline to listen to and be there for youth experiencing personal challenges and to support them in working through those challenges.
The Family and Youth Institute strengthens and empowers individuals, families, and communities through research and education efforts that promote: positive youth development, healthy marriages, effective parenting, and mental health and well being.
Advocates for Children of New York works on behalf of children who are at greatest risk for school-based discrimination and/or academic failure due to poverty, disability, race, ethnicity, immigrant or English Language Learner status, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, or involvement in the foster care or juvenile justice systems.
This Arizona based organization is dedicated to addressing the taboo of mental health in the South Asian community in their podcasts, with a focus on children and adolescents.